
How To Know God Is Testing You

7 Signs God Is Testing You.

7 Signs God Is Testing Y'all.

2 CHORINTHIANS thirteen:5
Examine yourselves to encounter whether you are in the faith; exam yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you unless, of class, yous fail the examination?

By religion Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac equally a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was virtually to sacrifice his ane and just son,


God tests united states of america in different ways, but nosotros must be able to know if He is testing us or not. Exam comes to the states through trials, through problems of life through everyday happenings. God wants to know how faithful and how strong we in the faith are. Examination is part of our spiritual journey in life. Our article today will give y'all an insight on seven different ways to know God is testing you.

1. TEST OF MONEY: God tests us financially; money is one of those ways God uses in testing us. God wants united states of america to run across if we can trust Him with our coin. Sometimes, we observe it difficult to give an offering or pay tithe, this is a examination to evidence u.s. if we can trust Him to meet our needs financially. God wants to know if we tin can trust Him according to His promises in Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. We must come to a point in life where we can solely trust in God for financial assistance and not hold it back when there is a need to give it for the kingdom of God's use.

ii. Test OF SACRIFICE: Another exam nosotros become through in life is a test of sacrifice. God tested Abraham to encounter if he tin trust Him with his son, even though Abraham got the child Isaac at an extremely tardily age. But he was able to prove to God that He trusted God no thing what, that if God gave him Isaac, He was able to do much more. Hebrews 11:17 says" By religion Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was near to sacrifice his one and merely son. God wants to know how far we go in our acts of sacrifices unto Him.

3. TEST OF FAITH: God tests our organized religion daily in our walk with Him. He wants to know if nosotros are fully trusting in His omniscience and omnipresent ability. Sometimes information technology looks hard trusting in whom we cannot encounter, but sometimes God tells us to do something that looks bigger than us and looks unachievable, and this stretches our organized religion to larn to trust in God. Hebrews xi:1 says "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and balls about what we do not see. God wants to know how strong our organized religion is in Him.

4. TEST OF Center: God tests our center to know what it is in our minds; He wants to know if we are worried about things or trusting in Him wholly. Psalm 139:23 says" Search me, God, and know my centre, test me and know my broken-hearted thoughts. God looked at Joseph's centre to know that He cares so much about his family and people around him and that was what paved the way for him. His heart was tested, and he was trusted past God. God sees beyond our spoken words; He sees our heart and knows all we are thinking of.

five. TEST OF PATIENTS: God wants to know if we can exist patient enough to expect on Him. He said in Revelation 3:10 that "Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep yous from the hr of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. He wants to know if we can pass the present test so He can motion us to the next level of our lives. Patient is a virtue. Patients are needed in our daily living; God tests our patient by asking the states to agree on sometimes whenever nosotros asking or enquire for something from Him. This is God, trying to teach us how to remain calm and patient to await on Him.

6. TEST OF THE Discussion: God wants to know how much of His words we have in us. That was why the bible said 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show yourself canonical, a worker who does non need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. To win any spiritual warfare in life, you demand to know the discussion of God in and out. Joshua 1:8 says' Go on this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and dark, so that yous may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will exist prosperous and successful. Most times we are faced with trials and tribulations, which is part of life, we are being tested, the only matter that will keep u.s.a. going and stiff in our religion is how much of the words of God we accept in our heart. Revelations 12:eleven says' They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did non beloved their lives so much as to shrink from death. Through the word of God, our victory is guaranteed but when we lack the word of God, we fail and autumn brusque of God's blessings.

7. Examination OF POSSESSIONS: Just similar the devil tested Jesus in Matthew 11:9-10, showing Him at the top of the mountain all the globe and everything in information technology, and telling Jesus to bow downwards and that he will give Him everything, but Jesus replied, Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' Sometimes, we tend to plough what nosotros have to our God without knowing, Jesus was tested just similar any human on earth, but He was able to overcome the devil. Information technology is possible to have a car and God is laying it in your heart to requite it out, merely because yous adored the car and then much, you may not want to release it, not knowing that God is testing you and so that He can give you something bigger and amend. We must come to reality, that zip is ours, and that there is zippo we have that was not given to u.s.a. past God., thereby we must be able to lay it down at whatever point He asks us to. Nosotros must non allow whatsoever of our possessions to be our god or lord over united states of america that we kickoff worshiping it without our noesis.


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