
Esperanza Rising Chapter 2 Summary

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How Does One Write a Chapter Summary?

Ezra Bailey/Taxi/Getty Images

Write a chapter summary by first reading the chapter to determine the most salient and of import points. By making an outline, information technology allows for easy organization. Depending on the material and word count, writing a chapter summary may require dissimilar amounts of material to be cutting.

  1. Read the chapter

    Read the affiliate thoroughly, without skipping any parts. Go along a notepad or a reckoner document nearby to write down important points to cover in the affiliate summary. If possible, highlight text in the book.

  2. Begin writing the outline

    When writing the outline, employ letters to denote the most important points and elaborate on them. Use numbers and sub-messages for any supporting details. Continue throughout the entire chapter, keeping events in logical order.

  3. Convert the outline to the total text

    When writing the text, ensure that all information is covered. Become back and rewrite as necessary to add together or omit details every bit required by word count. Non every function of a chapter will demand to exist included in the summary. The outline is a guide to the information included in the summary, merely information technology can be deviated from.

  4. Read and proof the summary

    Afterwards writing the summary, read over it and compare to the original text to see if any information could exist added. Check the document for spelling errors and other potential issues and save it.

Esperanza Rising Chapter 2 Summary,


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